Monday, December 19, 2011

Reflection: Weeks 8-14

This class was very motivational, educational, and engaging.  Through out this course I think we have all grown in the aspect of what being environmentally friendly is and to learn how each of us play a vital role in the environment.  

Each documentary we watched in this class was very eye opening and interesting.  In each one I learned things I never had before.  The Story of Stuff was my favorite because it was simple and to the point, it was very easy to understand and they made their point clear of what they were trying to get across.  I enjoyed it so much that I ended up watching the Story of Cosmetics for one of my Share 'n' Voices.

Advocacy Project
This project I enjoyed because it was interesting getting to learn about a particular topic of our choosing, mine being about the Great Lakes.  It was fascinating learning about what goes into the lakes and what is and is not being done to help.  It was fun listening to others advocacy projects, too.  It was a great skill to learn on how to write fact sheets and letters to officials because chances are we will have to do that someday as health educators. 

Photo Essay
This assignment was very fun.  I did my photos on nature and the peace and serenity that nature can bring us.  I was home when I took them and it was very enjoyable getting to walk around outside and take pictures. 

Share 'n' Voice
Share 'n' Voice's were great, they gave the flexibility and creativity that we all needed I think.  We could post on what we wanted to learn more about or if we wanted to share something interesting with people.  These assignments were fun and didn't actually seem like assignments.

The junking project that we did was very fun.  This also, gave us the freedom to use our imaginations and to reuse things and see objects in a different light.  It was enjoyable getting to see others projects and getting ideas of what to do in the future.  Here are a couple pictures of what my junking project looked like.
A place to hang all my necklaces!

A box to put perfume in.
Overall this course was very fun and I definitely learned a lot.  I am going to continue applying the concepts learned in this class to everyday life.  Have a good Christmas everyone!!


  1. I really liked how you set up this blog broke it up into sections about the semester which was great. I really enjoyed the Share and Voice as was a great way for us to be creative. I really like your junking project! I need one of those hook things for my necklaces. As you said, I plan on trying to apply the concepts that we learned in this class throughout my daily life. It was good to have you in my web group...I really enjoyed learning more about the Great Lakes and the issues surrounding that along with reading your posts! Have a wonderful break!

  2. Hi Bailey-

    Thank you. It was fun blogging with you as well. Happy Holidays and enjoy your break as well!!
