Friday, December 16, 2011

Share & Voice: Thrifty Decor Chick

I found this blog last week and it is so cool!  She has so many creative ideas, especially for Christmas.  I actually just finished one of her projects she posted about using mason jars and turning them into festive candles.  They turned out very pretty and I am going to give them away as Christmas presents.  Also, I just made a couple Christmas wreaths using hangers and burlap, then tied a bow around them, they will be Christmas presents too.  This lady has some pretty good ideas for reusing things.  So, if you guys are looking for some cool ideas and want to get creative, check it out!


  1. Hi Bailey-

    Thank you for sharing this blog. I checked it out, and she does offer some great ideas for Christmas.I think it's really cool how she takes some of the most simple items and convert them into new refreshing items. You can save a lot of money by using some of her innovative techniques! I like the idea of using Burlap and hangers for wreaths, that's pretty cool. I remember participating in an arts and crafts project years ago in which we used hangers sandwich bags and glitter to make festive Christmas wreaths. Great blog to check out!

  2. Bailey!
    I loved this blog, because I need all the help I can get with decorating ideas for a cheap cost! Blogs likes these inspire me, because I need a little help on the decor skills before I move into a house of my own someday. I looked at this gal's Linky Party and found another blog about salvaging really old chairs. Check it out!

    It's amazing what some paint and cheap materials can do to making things look like brand new. In relation to your post, I'm a huge candle fan! You may remember this from junking project day! Her idea of using creative decorative paper with candles is definitely going to stay in my mind for the next time I want to make a new batch of candles!

  3. Hey Bailey! This blog was fun to look at...thanks for sharing! I really liked the glass candles she made with the paper designs. They look SO pretty and are really cheap. I think there's a lot of really creative and fun Christmas decorations that we can make for a very low cost.
