Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Reflection: Weeks 1-7

Over the past weeks we have learned a multitude of things in this class, all of which are very eye-opening and make you look at things in a new light.  We have all been introduced into this world of blogging, which at first I was a little skeptical of, but am growing more accustomed to it as the weeks progress.  Blogging I have discovered is a convenient way to get many different messages across, and as my comfort level grows with knowing how everything works, it is somehwhat entertaining.

These past weeks we have also taken on individual products.  Mine has been to read "The China Study", and to learn more about nutrition and diseases, and the link between the two.  It was a very informative book and I am glad I read it.  It will definitely prove useful because of the profession I am getting into.

We have also, discovered how much of an ecological footprint we have left so far on the earth.  Rather disturbing, it was also interesting and somewhat sad to know all of us are creating these huge footprints that the earth is only going to be able and sustain for so long.  We have looked at how we eat and where our food really comes from.  The large majority of the population is being kept in the dark on so many food issues and it is fascinating.  My eyes have been opened either farther in regards to food and as conscientious as I am with food, I am going to try and be even more so.

Another big issue introduced to us was the water issue and how we are creating so much waste with the unnecessary plastic bottles we all use.  They are hurting our environment terribly and will continue to do so in the future if we don't make the necessary change to cut back substantially on our use of them.

The biggest thing I have learned so far is that even though I may be making a difference with the small things I do everyday to better the environment, I can always be doing more.  It is the small steps that make   the biggest difference.


  1. Bailey,
    I’m in your group for the next half of the semester. I’m definitely going to creep on your Read N Seed, because I’m a dork like that and I love learning about Nutrition. I also have a huge interest in alternative medicine, which China definitely has a part in.
    I looked at your photo of your summer at the lake, and I was instantly relaxed. Thanks for putting that on there to relive some of my student stress. Speaking of stress, I’m having issues with Blogger right now. I think a lot of us students are in the hate/love relationship with Blogger. We haven’t gotten addicted to it yet like Facebook, but at the same time we’ve all come to realize how cool and useful this social networking tool can be.

    I’m glad you took interest in “Tapped,” because I did my Read ‘N’ Seed on “Aqua Shock, The Water Crisis in America.” If you want to know more check my blog out, or ask me in class.

    I’m really excited to see what you do your junking project on too! I love weird stuff like this, and if I could do so, I would love to make a career off of recycling and upcycling stuff.

  2. Hi Bailey, me again

    I enjoyed reading your reflection post and how you mentioned that yet this class is basically filled with eye opening information, it is a dark side to it. I totally agree. When Dr. V. explained how we are now a part of an "elite" society being college students, we are privied to information that the majority of people have no clue of. It's very disturbing and makes me think about other things that we are doing to negatively impact the environment in which we we are not aware of!

  3. Hi Bailey :) I thought how you ended your post was great. It's so true that doing the small things really will add up and can make a difference. It's hard to think that doing something little like not buying a plastic water bottle will make a difference, but if everyone would do something small, it turns out to be a huge difference in the end! Tapped was one of my favorite documentaries to watch and it was very enlightening to learn about the water bottle industry and how corrupted it all is. Looking forward to reading more of your posts this semester!
